Dry Eye Treatments

Dry Eye Treatments

Dry Eye Treatments

Dry Eye Treatments

Dry Eyes are a symptom of a gland or skin problem. The signs of dry eyes can be confusing. Some people with dry eyes will have excessive tearing, tired eyes, blurred vision or no symptoms at all. Your eye doctor can detect dry eyes with a microscope while evaluating the eyelids and corneal surface. Other tests to determine the severity and predicted future impact of gland dysfunction are tear breakup time (TBUT) to determine the quality of tears and meibography to evaluate gland condition.

Some Common Causes of Dry Eyes

  • Hot and dry environments Exposure to forced air like a fan, wind or car heating,

  • Excessive reading or computer work

  • Certain medications such as allergy medicine and antidepressants

  • Health conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes

  • Thyroid problems

  • Incomplete blinking or eyelids not closing completely during sleep

  • Age

  • Hormonal changes

  • Infections of the eyelid, like blepharitis

  • Skin conditions like rosacea

  • Loose or floppy eyelids associated with sleep apnea

  • Poor sleep habits

Preventive Self-Care

Here are a few simple self-care options that can manage temporary and minor cases of dry eye.

  • Blink regularly when reading or staring at a computer screen for a long time.

  • Make sure there’s adequate humidity in the air at work and at home.

  • Wear sunglasses outside to reduce sun and wind exposure. Wraparound glasses are best.

  • Eat a healthy well balanced diet

  • Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water each day to avoid dehydration.

  • Find out if any of your prescriptions have dry eye as a side effect and if so, see if you can take an alternative.

  • Consider wearing a sleep mask if you have a fan on at night or use a CPAP

  • Wear goggles when swimming in a chlorinated pool

Artificial Tears

Over-the counter artificial tear drops may give temporary relief of symptoms in mild cases of dry eyes. However, they do not treat the root cause of the problem. Here are a few tips for selecting the right one:

Low viscosity eye drops provide quick relief but their effect can be brief. They do not treat the root cause of the symptoms.

High viscosity eye gels and ointments are recommended at bedtime.

Advanced Dry Eye Treatments

There are several prescription and clinical treatments available. In most cases, patients benefit from a combination of treatments. The best treatments for your condition can include:

  • Custom fit scleral contact lenses that deliver moisture to the surface of the eye while correcting vision

  • Antibiotics prescribed for eyelid inflammation caused by infections that prevent oil glands from secreting oil into your tears.

  • Amniotic membranes to accelerate repair of corneal damage caused by severe dryness.

  • Anti-inflammatory eye drops to reduce inflammation in the tear glands

  • Tear-stimulating drugs and devices help to increase tear production.

  • Autologous blood serum eye drops

  • Thermal gland expression to expel thick congested material from glands so that tear oils can be excreted

  • Optilight Intense Pulsed Light the only FDA approved IPL gland treatment of the root cause of dry eyes with added esthetic benefits

  • Clinical eyelid cleaning to remove the eyelid biofilm and stubborn debris

  • LED light treatments

Our doctors will design a treatment plan to address the underlying causes of your condition.

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